Bukefalos 28 år!

Hundar historiskt i Sverige?

Slädhundar har otroligt långa anor...


"The results show that modern sled dogs in Greenland – whose ancestors were taken there by Inuit people around 850 years ago – are more closely related to the 9500-year-old Zhokhov dog than to other kinds of dogs or to wolves.

“It’s largely the same dogs doing the same thing,” Sinding says.

While the Zhokhov finds are the earliest clear evidence of dogs pulling sleds, ivory artefacts that may have been used to attach reins to sleds have been found elsewhere. Some are 12,000 years old.

The genomes also show sled dogs haven’t acquired any DNA from wolves in the past 9500 years. “The modern wolf is not in them,” Sinding says."
Slädhundar har otroligt långa anor...


"The results show that modern sled dogs in Greenland – whose ancestors were taken there by Inuit people around 850 years ago – are more closely related to the 9500-year-old Zhokhov dog than to other kinds of dogs or to wolves.

“It’s largely the same dogs doing the same thing,” Sinding says.

While the Zhokhov finds are the earliest clear evidence of dogs pulling sleds, ivory artefacts that may have been used to attach reins to sleds have been found elsewhere. Some are 12,000 years old.

The genomes also show sled dogs haven’t acquired any DNA from wolves in the past 9500 years. “The modern wolf is not in them,” Sinding says."

På tal om vargpåbrå efter domesticieringen så har dom samiska hundraserna (Svensk Lapphund, Finsk Lapphund och Lapsk Vallhund) det däremot och några älghundsraser med, vilket man kanske förväntade sig mer från slädhundarna. :D

"The breed falls under the mitochondrial DNA sub-clade referred to as d1 that is only found in northern Scandinavia. It is the result of a female wolf-male dog hybridization that occurred post-domestication.[1][2] Subclade d1 originated 480–3,000 years ago and is found in all Sami-related breeds: Finnish Lapphund, Swedish Lapphund, Lapponian Herder, Jamthund, Norwegian Elkhound and Hällefors Elkhound. The maternal wolf sequence that contributed to these breeds has not been matched across Eurasia"

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Bukefalos, Hästnyheter, Radannonser

Allmänt, Barn, Dagbok

Hund, Katt, Andra Djur

  • Valp 2024
  • Uppdateringstråd 29
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